Trialing a leadership survey

ROHLI banner This link will take you to a trial leadership survey which you might find of interest. It’s part of my research into leadership and its impact on personal and organisational health and resilience. My purpose to see how the questions are working and do some preliminary analysis.

Naturally, the survey is voluntary and all responses confidential and anonymous via the link. Any input will only be used in combination with the responses of others and will not be identified by individual. The specific purpose of collecting the data is to validate the survey. Clicking on the link and completing the survey would signal your consent to participate in the research.

The survey should take about 10-15 minutes.

Once the project is finalised, my aim is to have (a) an immediate feedback survey tool that can apply in different contexts to assess organisations and (b) a coaching guide to help improve workplaces and ensure they are safe and healthy for everyone. This work I hope to have ready by the end of 2018 so trialing the survey is phase 1.

Thanks for your interest,


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